
I Will Not Be Offended!

"Offense is taken and not given" - I hate this saying! Mainly because it is often used as a loophole to intentionally offend people without having to face the consequences. Sort of like a free ticket to be mean. Today however, I learnt about the innocence behind this phrase...

I had just finished playing drums for the junior phase of our holiday club, when I walked past a rather intrigued little boy on my way to the back of the auditorium. I had apparently confused him and he couldn't help but stop me to clarify his bewilderment...

Him: Are you a boy or a girl?
Me (trying not to be offended): What do you think?
Him: You're a girl
Me (breathing a lot easier): Well, that's right!
Him: But girls can't play drums!
Me (a little confuzzled): Why not?
Him: Because only boys are allowed to play drums
Me (with a smirk): Well, I like playing the drums

I smiled and rubbed his head, and then carried on my merry little way (it was sermon time, so I couldn't really chat to him). As I reached the back of the auditorium eager to share the story with my worship pastor, I realised two things...

1. We seriously need to stop teaching our kids that they can only do that which has been societally assigned to them.

2. By just doing what I love, I impacted a little boy's life. I may not have inspired him to play the drums (or any kind of instrument for that fact of matter), but I definitely made a small dent in his perspective. Today, that little boy went home and told his mommy and/or daddy about the girl he saw behind the drums (and hopefully he thought I was good - but that's not the point). It may have sparked a conversation or it may have had no affect at all. However, that moment totally influenced and encouraged him to see things a little differently.

So be encouraged, what you love to do may not be big and flashy, and it may seem a little insignificant to you, but keep doing it diligently because it could change, impact and/or encourage someone unexpectedly.


Adventures of A Babysitter - The Mischief

I was hanging out with two of the most amazing siblings in the world one evening, when I realised how subtle sibling rivalry can be... Usually there are 4 of us (the siblings and me), but the youngest had decided that it would be more fun hanging out with granny, so it was just the 3 of us.


Loved First

1 John 4:19 - We love him because he first loved us.

I have always found this verse rather intriguing. I have never really understood it, until one day I was moved by my favourite 2 year old's insistent demand for a hug and kiss as I bid him farewell...


Trust the Dream for You

I was driving back from a catch up visit with a friend one evening, when this song popped up on my playlist. 


The Faith Test

When things don't go your way in the timing you planned, does it mean that what you believed was not real or could it just be that your faith is possibly a little shallow?