I went to the gym for the first time the other day. I figure that in my ascending age, it probably would be a good idea to get my body moving on a regular basis... You know, so I don't have to face the depressing consequences of my body's retirement in a couple of years; also, if my over 50 year old parents can commit to a gym routine... Flip, what is my problem?
Now, I'm not new to the gyming world. Nope, in fact I'm quite familiar with it, I'm just not a fan. My parents on the other hand are HUGE fans, so growing up, we were often tagging along with them as they tried to get and keep their bodies in shape.
Sadly, I'm not a fan of outdoor individual sports either (running, cycling etc - it's just not my thing).... I'm just not convinced that all that trouble is worth it (where am I supposed to get my motivation from? I know, I know, Im supposed to be able to motivate myself, but I dont really care for that, so not really on my top priority list).
I do enjoy team sports - now that's my idea of exercise. However, working an 8hour day and maintaining a combination of many other responsibilities, makes it a little challenging to get involved in the sporting community. And so, since I've pretty much run out of excuses and kinda have no choice, I have committed to visiting the gym on a regular basis.
What would be my motivation? - the monthly gym fee I have to pay (you would be completely stupid to just freely give out money to some organization and not gain anything from it - if you're into that, please consider donating it to my bank account instead, I promise to put it to good use)
Anyway, I decided that my first day at the gym would be an easy session; all I'm interested in accomplishing is fitness and toning. However, I can't say that I know what I'm doing (playing sport was a lot easier, we warmed up, trained for the sport and then left; matches were a good indication of whether or not we trained well enough), so when it comes to what type of workout I should be doing to accomplish my goal, well.... your guess is as good as mine. Nevertheless, cardio is always a good place to start and 20min broken up over two machines sounds just about enough... Right???!!! Well that's what I did
Anyway, so during my mini workout session, I was reminded of why I hated the gym...
1. The Dressing Room
Because I'm going to the gym straight after work (not a morning person), I have to change at the gym. I could change at work, but since they have facilities at the gym, I might as well use them right...? WRONG!!! I have never been more freaked out by half/partially/completely naked women before (and why are they all so confident to walk around like that??? Aaahhh!!! No!!!); also, most of my workout consisted of me watching everyone as they walked out the door as I was constantly worried my stuff would be stolen (can you say paranoia). I probably won't be doing that again (I'll just change at work and spare myself the drama).
2. Boring Monotonous Scenery (not to mention the random people that keep starring at you for no apparent reason)

Question - is it ok to be on your cellphone while you workout?? I mean I'm already bored, I might as well do something else to pass the time. All I wanna do is play a game of Sudoku while I plod along - you know, so that I am exercising the body and brain simultaneously...?
3. Sweat
Gross, gross and more gross! Everytime I touched one of the equipment, a piece of me died on the inside. I can think of nothing more disgusting than having to use a machine that someone else has leaked their insides all over. So... I try not to think about it at all, and waterless hand sanitizer makes me feel better (I don't care what you think, it makes me feel better)
4. My Lack Of Knowledge On The Workout Front

5. All By Myself
There is nothing worse than working out on your own, yet at the same time having a gym buddy can be super distracting - what to do... what to do?? I know for a fact that even though I work out better with someone else around me, in the gym I would probably end up talking instead and then leave having done nothing. Maybe I'll just sign up for a group workout session or something; maybe make a random friend.... or maybe not.
All in all, other than the dizziness I experienced (which has for some reason become a norm - not good I know, I'll have to get that checked out at some point), and the fact that I got sick (I swear I'm allergic to exercise), it was a pretty good workout and I might just consider going back (once I've gotten better of course)...
Just you wait and see - supermodel in the making I tell you (wahahahahahahaha!!!!!)
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