I asked a colleague, who also happens to be a really good friend of mine (and an incredibly talented presenter), if I could hang out with him in studio during one of his show recordings. My primary intention for bugging him in studio was to have a chat session with him... you know, a mini catch up of sorts (we like to do stuff like that)... he agreed. So after getting some work done, and helping out a couple of people here and there, I joined him in studio. However, instead of catching up as we had intend, I found myself completely fascinated by the recording process. I was left completely speechless as I gawked at him in utter amazement as he did what he does best...
After some time, he finally managed to snap me back to reality, reminding me that I do exactly the same thing he does.. Yes, I too happen to be a presenter/producer; who is all too familiar with the process of recording, and fully capable of, and often do, exactly what my friend was doing. So why the morbid fascination (and I was intensely fascinated...)? Why was I so blown away by something that I already do, something that is actually part of my day job? Well I guess because, when I do what I do, I don't really see what I do, I just do it; so I often miss out on how totally cool what I do really is.
I guess that's what's wrong with the world. We're so concerned with what other people are doing and how much "better" their area of responsibility is, that we forget to recognise just how amazing our responsibilities are. We can get so caught up in how fantastic someone else is at what they do (which could be similar to what you do, maybe just in a different way), that we fail to realise that we are equally as qualified and if not, as capable.
Don't get me wrong, hanging out watching someone else do their thing in studio taught me a whole lot (or apparently helped me leech) and it gave me great perspective. However, the challenge came in understanding that, although I see my friend as an incredible presenter and hold him in high regard, there is no, and there has never been any competition among us (not that I ever thought that there ever was).

If this experience has taught me anything, it is these two important things - believe in yourself and believe in what you (love to) do. Don't bother comparing yourself to anybody else (you will never be like them - EVER!!!) - their journey is not your journey and their skill sets are not yours. You are unique for a reason and have a whole lot to offer the world. So, find out what you're good at, do it and do it to the best of your ability!!!
We can't all be rock stars but we can still rock out!!!
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