We were given the task of preparing a presentation about our childhood dreams and aspirations for a team builder we were going to be attending. I was not particularly keen on being part of the exercise as I could not think of anything I aspired to when I was younger. Whenever I was asked "What do you want to be/do when you grow up", I would not answer, because I simple just didn't know (to be honest, I still don't know).
So I went and had a chat with my line manager about it, telling him that I had nothing to offer and that that would automatically eliminate me from being able to take part in the presentation. My manager evidently knew I was coming and had his defence ready. He refused to let me off the hook but instead told me to go home and think about it and talk about whatever was on my heart. I wasn't happy with the response, but obliged anyway. While I was thinking about the assignment (yes, I saw it as an assignment), I was suddenly reminded of some dreams and aspirations that I had had as a child, that had actually come true... and I didn't even know it (I mean I knew it but I didn't notice).
Here's one of them...
When I was about 10 years old, my mom and dad visited a church in the neighbourhood we had just moved into and of course we were dragged along. After my parents got saved in the church, we started attending it regularly, and one Sunday morning we arrived late for the morning service. While the ushers were trying to figure out what my mom should do with us (should we go to kids church or just stay in big church with her - as if it was a difficult choice... kids church - hello?!), I happened to catch a glimpse of the worship team on stage. I had seen the worship team before, but this particular morning I was astonished by the 15 year old girl leading worship. I just couldn't believe the talent she had; I was totally blown away and right then and there I vowed that I too, would be like her and somehow make it on to that platform one day (I wasn't too sure how that would happen as I had no musical talents at that stage but that was the dream).
I had completely forgotten about the dream when 2 years later an opportunity came up to learn to play the drums (yes I can play the drums). I had never wanted to play the drums before but I had fairly strict parents, who weren't so keen to have us gallivanting around town. So as a loop hole, I took up the opportunity just to get myself out the house. A year later I was playing in the worship band on the stage - yes, I made it onto the platform (but I hadn't put two and two together).
A couple of years later, I discovered Hillsong Music and fell in love with it. It was different, it was vibey, it was unique and because of that, I strongly desired to be part of the church. So I vowed, yet again, that I would somehow get there one day (again, wasn't too sure how that would happen but a girl can dream...).
I continued on with life as per normal (studying, sporting - you know, general growing up vibes), but the dream to attend and be part of Hillsong Church grew every time I learnt or heard a new song of theirs. Unfortunately, as I was finishing school and starting varsity, I got bored with the whole drumming thing and so the dream began to die (I just happen to lose interest quickly when monotony sets in and radio had caught my attention). In my final year of varisty, the opportunity to move to down to Cape Town to work for a Christian media company came up. Although I had NEVER wanted to come to Cape Town, I grabbed the opportunity, after visiting the city during a manager's getaway, and moved down anyway. After a 2 weeks in the city, I discovered that Hillsong Church had launched in Cape Town 6 months prior to my arrival (I don't think that was a coincidence). I checked it out and 5 years down the line, here I am, now part of the church, involved and loving it.
It has to be stated that even though I had these desires at some stage in my childhood, I never strived to make them happen. God heard my heart, saw my desires, took over and did what only He can do best. All I did was, listen to (what I thought was) the irrational voice, follow (what I thought was) the ridiculous instructions and believe in (what I thought was) the silliest dream. He, in turn, took those dreams and fulfilled them for His purpose.
Now, I'm not saying that you should randomly wish something up (be careful what you wish for...), call it a dream and just sit around waiting for it to land on your lap (it's not really how it works, although... I don't think anyone knows how it really works?) and I'm not saying don't go chasing after your dreams (because I totally believe you should)... what I am saying is that, you've got to make sure to submit your dreams to God and then follow His lead.
There's nothing wrong with dreaming and having desires - in fact I'm one to encouraging the following of one's dreams no matter what). However, one thing that these stories have taught me (reminded me), is that life is not about me - it never has been and it never will be. God works in His own mysterious ways, in His own timing, for His own purpose. So it's just best you trust Him with your life and let Him make your dreams come true...
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