When my sister first announced that she was going to be moving down to Cape Town, I must say I was excited that I was finally going to have some form of family with me, but not so keen on the living together idea; mainly because of our history. But she was my sister (and still is) and I couldn't (and wouldn't) just let her roam this city on her own - I knew what it was like and wasn't keen on letting anyone else (especially family) go through the same thing.
Truth be told, the first year and a bit was a whole lot of touch and go. We constantly butted heads; it was hard and I wondered how long we would last together if we went on like that. However, witnessing the loving relationships between my sibling friends (specifically Warren and Shaun and Melanie and Donna - yes I just had to mention you because you're such an incredible example! THANK YOU!!), I knew it was possible; granted they weren't living together, but it was still worth a shot.

It wasn't easy and it didn't happen over night, but it has definitely helped me see a different side of my sister and our relationship has gotten a whole lot better. We don't get along perfectly, we have our days, but we have learnt to be more understanding towards each other; we've learnt to accommodating each other's bad days and we've learnt to appreciate each other.
When I first heard about the movie "My Sister's Keeper" it was used as an example at a woman's meeting; as a way to encourage the women to get around each other, to make sure that no one is left behind. I was not to fond of that message, so much so I refused to watch the movie. I eventually did and now, I understand the importance of that message.
There are so many in the world who are alone, who have no one to lean on, who are struggling and who are unempowered that it is our responsibility (the strong one's, the one's left standing), yes.. yours and mine, to be their support, their strength, their hope, their helping hand, regardless of who they are and what they have done.
It'll never make sense, but it will always make a difference... let's stop looking within and start reaching out...
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