I was watching Megamind the other day, which happens to be one of my favourite animated movies... The movie, just in case you haven't seen it, is about an "evil villain" (Megamind) who is in constant battle with the city's hero (Metro Man). He unfortunately always loses, except for their last battle, when Megamind somehow tricks Metro Man into going into an abandoned building and "destroys him". After a couple of days of "ruling" the city, Megamind realises how much he misses the meaningless battles between him and the hero...
We've all heard the saying "You don't know what you've got until its gone". It's such a true statement and we've all probably learnt, the hard way, the lesson behind this statement at some stage or another in our lives. We so often easily resent and take for granted the people in our lives (people who are nice to us, people who love us, people who are constantly rooting for us, people who help us) that we only ever notice once they are gone, that they were really a huge part of our lives. I learnt this tough lesson when moved out of the house after varsity. I realised for the first time ever the impact my parents had in my life and just how much they really meant to me, but I was 1400km away. don't get me wrong, I loved my parents and I appreciated them, but as a teen for some stupid reason, you seem to think you know it all and that your parents just don't get you. So in an attempt to keep the peace, you just cant wait to get out of the house so that you can live life the best way you know how - if only it were that simple!!
After moving away from them, I realised what I had actually left behind and struggled for an entire year to come to terms with it. And even though I'm used to it now, I can't help but admit that I had definitely taken my parents for granted... everything they had done, the love they just continued giving regardless of my attitude, what they had to put up with, the battles they fought to make sure I was clothed, fed and educated - I just never appreciate them until they all became my very own responsibility...
Today, I find myself in the same situation, only this time... I have no regrets, I didn't hold back and I'm grateful for what I had. A good friend of mine is moving on in her life and career. I was shocked when I first heard the news mainly because I thought we would have more time together - that's just it though, you've got to make the best of every minute because you never know when it will come to an end. And even though we had had many exciting conversations about our future endeavours, I didn't think it would happen so soon. Though I know I'm going to miss her stax, I couldn't be more grateful for the time I had the pleasure of spending with her. She was my brain twin (that's what we called each other); she understood me like no other... I haven't had that in a while, and yet, there she was... I'm super pscyhed for her future and I know that we will make the effort to see each other and carry our friendship on (we kinda have to!), but still, doesn't change the fact that what I had (even though I appreciated it), is still gonna be gone!!!So I'm dedicating my first ever blog to her, because technically she got me into it (so thanks), and I'm kinda hoping it'll make her tear just a little too (evil I know), but hopefully you got something out of it too!!! - if not... well, here's the punch line... People are important - You don't want to realise how much someone means to you only after they're gone... Appreciate them now!!
Oh... and I thought I would dedicate this song to her as well... If you're not a BSB fan.. you're gonna love this... ha ha ha ha
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