I have always found this verse rather intriguing. I have never really understood it, until one day I was moved by my favourite 2 year old's insistent demand for a hug and kiss as I bid him farewell...
It wasn't the first time I had received a hug and kiss from him, but it was the first time I had seriously pondered the exchange. Not that there was anything wrong with it (I love hugs and kisses) but I am of no relation to him; I'm not a family member (well... not in the logical sense of the word). I'm just the sitter; the person who allows the parents the freedom to enjoy some guilt-free "me-time" (and I'm totally down with it) and yet I'm treated as so much more.

That's when 1 John 4:19 became real to me. All the love I had poured out onto this adorable toddler (not to mention all the love he gets from his family), could not be translated into anything else but love. So, when he sees me, hangs out with me and plays with me, he can't help but love me back, all because I first loved him.
And so it is with God. We are so incredibly and immensely loved and if we just accepted and embraced it, we would express nothing else but love, not only towards God, but to others as well.
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