

God loves you! - why?
Because He created you...- why?

Because He wanted to have a relationship with you... - why?
Because He just wanted to... - why?
Because He is God and He can... - why?

If you have ever had a conversation with a three year you'll know that this kind of back and forth could go on forever. I don't know if this is true for all three year olds but this has been my experience and apparently no logical answer you give is satisfying, so you find yourself very quickly annoyed. The intention is rarely ever to irritate you (although sometimes I wonder), when you're that young, you are still formulating an understanding of your world and so curiosity gets the better of you and you just want to know how things work and how they fit together and until a satisfactory answer is given, the back and forth questioning will most likely just continue (I have found that after a couple of why's back and forth, "I don't know" is a sufficient answer.. well, for now).

I was thinking about this in the context of being an adult and how we often question God, especially while facing tough times...

God why is this happening to me? - it's the consequences of your own stupidity or we live in a fallen world, these things happen

But why me? - because you are one of Mine and this walk was not intended to be easy

But why? - because there is a battle going on for your soul
But why? - because the enemy wants to hurt me by crushing you and I want to lift you up to glorify my Name
But why? - because you were created for my purpose and I will make sure it is fulfilled through you if you will let me
But why me? I'm not good enough, have you seen what I have done? - yes, but that doesn't matter because Jesus died for all that, so you're all good! (I imagine God would say that)
But why! - because I love you?
But why? - because I created you!
But why?...

And so the back and forth continues until we end up right at the beginning again... 

I can't say that the last couple of months have been peachy, mainly because they haven't. In fact they have been some of the most painful I have had to face in a while... Why? - to be honest, I still don't know, but what I do know is that, no matter how hard it is has been, I have learnt and realised that God is, has and will always be with me. Through the chaos, through the pain, even through the confusion... He is always there. I may get impatient, frustrated and overwhelmed, but He is always by my side. I may not always believe that, and I'm certainly not professing to never questioning Him because I don't think I have ever stopped but in all that I have been through and continue to face on a daily basis, God has never left my side.

So as I try to push on every single day, I don't have any answers or any idea of when and how things will change, but I do know this one thing... there is hope; there is always hope! So hold onto that, no matter how hard things are going...

Stand strong! Keep fighting! - It's not over till it's over!!!

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